Awesome! Excellent points. Great read!

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For the past 15 years I have been trying to control my moods as well as my appetite without medication. I have use diet and exercise to obtain a level of stability. Now that I am 65, I can see that the exercise portion of this plan won't last forever. Recently, I decided to get to the core of the issue. Depression, anxiety and weight gain are just symptoms of emotional trauma. If I feel threatened, I get aggressive and out comes the bag of potato chips "Party Size"! I miss my granddaughter and I can eat a whole pizza by myself followed by a pint ice cream. I am only 5'2".

Medication is wonderful if you are totally out of control and you need help back. Learning to acknowledge and address what you are really feeling, the emptiness in the pit of your stomach, is a skill everyone should try to develop. That's my New, New Thing!

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Great article! Big takeaway - there are rarely silver bullets, and it takes hard work and discipline to accomplish just about anything worth accomplishing.

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Good summary of the history and current furore, but I think the whole conversation needs to take a step back and look at WHY we act like fat is the worst thing in the world. Yes, there are links between weight and health issues, but a lot of those are correlations, not causations. This article reads as if wanting to lose weight is a given, an "of course people should be thin" approach to health, which is at odds with what you noted about how hard wiefht loss is to sustain.

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Great read Dr Bregman . I hear about this Ozempic diet benefits often

How’s the construction going in Williamsburg?

Talk soon


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Thanks for this - one of the most interesting things I've ever read on weight-loss and dieting - the very high heritability score is particularly striking. While I understand from this that these medications are effective when used appropriately, I just happen to have read this moments before - about the, sadly unsurprising, surreptitious and highly financed campaign to promote the drugs in the UK (I'm a Brit) https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/mar/12/revealed-experts-who-praised-new-skinny-jab-received-payments-from-drug-maker

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Thanks for an in-depth write up to a revolutionary drug.

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