Although I see your general point, you fail to mention that the unvaccinated population includes children under age 5, not just those who choose to remain unvaccinated. This is a substantial portion of the population and a particularly delicate one in terms of treatment options if covid does happen to cause complications. I for one am particularly displeased with the argument that 'only a small number of children' get serious covid. The response I have borrowed from someone else surely always has to be: 'But I only have a small number of children'.

The argument against protecting the immunocompromised is also a bit weak - testing didn't protect them fully, so why continue doing it? An umbrella doesn't keep you perfectly dry, so toss it completely? Perhaps it bought us time, to develop monoclonal antibody treatments for covid that in the first few months didn't exist, so that getting serious covid now is somewhat more treatable.

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Enjoyed this post. Seems like good perspective. What's your take on Long COVID or the other long term impacts of COVID which seem to exist but aren't yet well understood - are you not worried about those? 

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